Christ Advocates for the Elderly

Advocating for the "Silent Generation"  


The cost of long-term nursing home care can be financially devastating.  At an average annual cost of more than $70,000 nursing home care is beyond the reach of most lower- and even middle-income individuals and families, who would be unable to pay for care out of income and would quickly deplete accumulated savings.

In 2007 the average income for a two person household is a little over $50,000 and the average income for senior citizens over 65 is approx $27,000. From this information alone one can see that institutionalizing a senior could be extremely costly.   

Christ Advocates for the Elderly (C.A.F.E., Org.) is a newly formed, not-for-profit Christian owned organization serving as advocates in the community of Montgomery County Pennsylvania for the elderly with regards to living with dignity. CAFE is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the 65 plus generation by giving them a voice to continue their independence, productivity and assist in (on a as needs basis) sustaining financial stability in light of increased living expenses.

We have positioned ourselves to be a safety net for seniors who are in need of assistance but may have been overlooked by state or federal agencies due to income levels, lack of information, or perhaps those who may not feel comfortable with asking for assistance.

Our entire program is based on empowering our seniors with the ability to speak up and ability to take control of making decisions that affect them with regards to "where” and “how” they live.  In doing so we will advocate for the most affordable retirement living options and provide a variety of social service programs to support their deicison. We expect to accomplish our goals through:

  • Advocacy
  • Information and Referral
  •  Care at Home Services
  • Employment Assistance
  • Legal Assistance
  • Transportation
  • Financial Assistance


Advocacy / Housing 

Personally researching, obtaining, and presenting affordable long-term care retirement living facilities from which our seniors and or their family members can make an informed decision as to where they want to live.  This service is being provided for the seniors transitioning from single housing, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers to affordable retirement facilities.  


The housing advocacy program is designed for seniors and their family members or care-givers who find that they do not have the time or resources to diligently research retirement facilities or other living alternatives for their loved ones due to several reasons, therefore causing the family or caregiver to put their loved one somewhere they do not want to be. We believe that this action takes away the seniors freedom of choice, independence, causes extreme frustration, lack of trust and eventually causes them to lose their desire to live and eventually fade from society. 


Technically, if the senior has any capacity - even if just in some areas of life - their autonomy or self-determination should be upheld.  We are of the philosophy that the senior's opinion should always be considered and respected - whenever possible.



We will assess the needs of the senior family member - personal, emotional, physical, financial - and determine how to fill those needs.

We will intervene in situations where roadblocks exist to properly give the senior options.  Or step in to improve current, less-than-satisfactory care.

We will provide options that take into account the family member or caregivers own existing commitments and obligations.  Working with those responsible for the older person, we will find the solution that best preserves his or her comfort and dignity.

The program will also serve as mediation for seniors in opposition with family members or care givers to avoid contention, and loss of dignity.  We are dedicated to rendering a voice to the “Silent Generation”, with conscientious and compassionate help. Some of the programs we wish offer are:

Friendship Match Accountability Program: matching seniors who live alone with seniors who are seeking other housing arrangements that do not include retirement facilities, this program is expected to foster friendship, accountability, companionship for those who live alone, as well as increase their monthly fixed income. 

Senior 50/50 Border Program: matching single younger adults with seniors not wanting to live in a retirement facility affording them to split 50/50 housing costs. This allows senior to continue live independently in the setting in which they are comfortable and the younger adult assist with their housing costs.

Communal Sharing:  Creating a “family” of retirees. Where several seniors pool their income to share their expenses, live together in older community or housing. This would lessen their expenses and increase their monthly fixed income. 

Information and Referral: With an ever evolving industry, ever growing 65 plus population, and regulatory environment, it is our desire to incorporate the capacity to communicate, analyze, and share information relevant to developing more cost-effective, better integrated, and more accessible social service programs.  This would be accomplished though an automated on-line “request for help” system,  which will be aimed to allow quick and easy access to help, strengthen community based, and home-care programs, enhance our agency’s capability to offer excellent services, track the needs of the people, our donors, our fundraising events and all charitable giving, and offer transparency of all giving and where the funding is applied. This information will be accessible to the public at large.

Public Services: house keeping, lawn care, tree cutting, minor house repairs, care at home, and other public services, at cost, that may be needed in the senior community.

Employment Opportunity: part-time employment opportunities to aid in supplementing younger seniors retirement income by providing in-home service to older seniors living independently but may need minimum assistance (due to limited mobility.) Retired Seniors and Volunteers welcome! 

Transportation:  on an as needed basis, we will secure escorts or provide vehicles to assist in transportation of older persons to essential services. Our

Legal Assistance: in terms of fact finding, guardianship, power of attorney, and other legal matters that may arise.  The services will be provided to identify legal problems and legal service needs of older persons. The legal services will be established to help seniors with a variety of legal problems concerning housing, consumer fraud, elder abuse, age discrimination, pensions, nursing homes, protective services, conservatorships and other matters.  

Grants - Financial Assistance: to generally self-sufficient seniors 65 and older who encounter a temporary financial crisis through no immediate fault of their own, thereby reinforcing the ability of the senior to continue to provide for themselves on a fixed or retirement income while reducing the burden of local places of worship, state, and federal agencies charged with the care of the disadvantage.